Monday, December 15, 2008

There's No Point......... trying to lose weight in December!!! I know, we have been over this. Cookies, Cakes, Fudge, Candy and so much more!! Everywhere I turn someone is shoving chocolate down my throat!!! And to top it off my husband let me buy a bag of Lindt Lidor Extra Dark Truffles!!!

I hope you all can catch my sarcasm. Lets just say, I definitely did not lose any weight this week. I will be happy if I didn't gain any!!

I am going to try to have a better week this week and get on my naughty scale on Friday.

It's funny at how when I am actually eating healthy drinking water and exersicing I can't seem to stay off of my scale in hopes that it has gone down even a quarter of a pound, BUT, When I am doing oh, so bad I am very VERY scared of the scale. We have a Love/Hate relationship, a can't live with it, Can't live without it thing going on.

Anyway, if you have some motivation, pass some my way!!!!

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